IMPACTed by Jesus’ love
Who is Jesus? What did He do? How does knowing Jesus change our lives? If you are in high school or about to start high school, IMPACT Youth wants to help you figure these things out.
We are a youth group that seeks to be IMPACTed by Jesus’ love. That means we meet every Friday night during school term to hang out, have heaps of fun together, but most importantly learn about Jesus from the Bible.
We welcome everyone from years 6-12, whether you call yourself a Christian or you've never heard of Jesus before in your life. Come check us out on a Friday night, or join our IMPACT Teams Bible study group at 10:00am Sunday morning (at the same time as church).
🕒 Friday 7:00-9:00pm during school term
📍 Marsfield Community Church main hall
Bring: yourself, a friend, a Bible and a $5 donation if you can!
(Bible Study Group)
🕒 Sunday 10:00-11:15am during school term. Starts off with morning church and kids + youth split off
📍 Marsfield Community Church main hall to start with (youth then move to a separate room)