Safe Ministry at MCC
We want everyone to be safe and feel safe at MCC - physically, emotionally & spiritually.
As a result, we take safety seriously, especially when it comes to vulnerable people.
Who is vulnerable?
Children and youth are the largest group of vulnerable people we have at MCC, so we consider Child Protection as vitally important.
However there are other people who are vulnerable too. Anyone who may not be able to protect themselves from possible harm or coercion due to their particular circumstances, including age, disability, or trauma, is considered vulnerable. We seek to do all we can to ensure vulnerable people are safeguarded and loved at MCC.
How do we protect vulnerable people?
MCC enlists the services of safeministrycheck.com.au to ensure our ministries and activities are as safe as possible. We have policies and procedures in place to help with this, including:
All our staff, children’s & youth leaders, and members of ministry teams that work together with children are screened & trained regularly in Safe Ministry practices.
How can I help keep MCC a safe place for everyone?
1. Increase your awareness
We invite all our members to complete our Member Awareness course through safeministrycheck.com.au This short, online course (provided free of charge to MCC members) provides training in what to look out for, and how to speak up to keep MCC a safe place.
2. Look out
Everyone at MCC has a role to play in keeping MCC safe. We encourage you to keep an eye out for:
spaces or circumstances that aren’t safe or create risk
behaviour by anyone (even our leaders) that seems inappropriate or breaches our Code of Conduct
signs that a vulnerable person may be at risk of or experiencing abuse (whether physical, emotional, sexual, neglect or financial)
3. Speak up
Please report any concerns you have to one of our Safe Ministry contacts below as soon as possible (NB: If it is an emergency, please dial 000). Whatever the nature of your concern, you will be listened to, taken seriously & treated with confidentiality.
Safe ministry Contacts
Kate Kristensen
Kids’ Pastor & Safe Ministry contact
Haoran Un
LT Member & Safe Ministry contact
Email safeministry@marsfieldcc.org.au to report a concern to our Safe Ministry contacts or if you have any questions regarding Safe Ministry. Otherwise, contact Kate or Haoran directly.