Are you at Uni and want to explore faith?

Every Sunday we have a group of Uni student and young adults who meet together to explore Jesus. We have a look at stories of Jesus’ life and chat about what we think they might mean and how they could be relevant for us now.

Even if you’ve never heard of Jesus or read the Bible before, we welcome everyone to come explore Jesus with us. We don’t assume any knowledge and love to help people meet Jesus for the first time. So why not come along and join us one Sunday?

We meet at 6pm at church. 58-60 Agincourt Rd, Marsfield

Are you looking to meet new people and find a place to belong?

We want everyone to find a place to belong. So not only do we explore Jesus together, but we spend time building relationships together.

Every Sunday after we look at the Bible, we hang out together. Sometimes we watch a movie, go out for dinner or eat in. Sometimes we just hang and play table tennis or board games, sometimes we go for an adventure. But we always do it together and we would love you to join us!